Garden Guru Scott Rettenmund will present “Fascinating Treasures for the Spring Inland Northwest Garden” on Thursday, Oct 3, 2024 at 4pm at Shadle Park Library, 2111 W Wellesley Ave. He will discuss how plants that bloom during the coldest time of the year, often go underappreciated. Some of these plants are common but often overlooked at nurseries because they are not in bloom when most people are shopping for plants in late spring or early summer. Others are more obscure and will take some searching to find. But each one of these early bloomers will bring life to garden beds at a time of year when it is most appreciated. After the bright lights of the holiday season have been turned off, the dark days of winter seem to drag on forever. Gardeners begin to look through the catalogs, dreaming of the coming season and the promise of life after winter. Out in the garden our interest is captured by evergreens, colorful twigs, and interesting bark, but wouldn’t it be fun to add unusual and uncommon spring blooming plants to the mix? After the dark days of winter have passed, most gardeners are looking for any excuse to get outside and start working. When spring fever strikes, here are some constructive ways of using that burst of energy to get your garden off to a great start.
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